
Pecan Pie (v)

Flaky pastry with a soft and crunchy filling – sublime! This classic pecan pie is simple to make and a guaranteed crowd pleaser to boot. Very comfortable severed by itself on a plate – though some whipped cream or ice cream rarely goes amiss!

8 people

Prep Time
40 mins

Cooking Time
30-40 mins


tick what you've got in your fridge


Place pastry onto a pre-floured surface and roll out the pastry so to be large enough to cover the base and sides of the roaster.

Place pastry over roaster and gently push down into the edges of the roaster.

Cut off any excess pastry which drapes over the top.

Using a fork, score the sides of the pastry and prick the base.

Place in the fridge for 30 mins.

Line the pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans.

Bake for 20mins at 170C.

Remove the baking beans and paper and return the roaster to the oven for 5-10mins 180C.

Melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add in golden syrup, sugar and vanilla extract and let it boil.

Set aside to cool for 10mins (stir occasionally).

Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk together.

Pour in the mixture and whisk together.

Add pecan halves and stir together.

Pour the mixture into the roaster.

Place in the oven for 30-40mins at 180C.

Allow to cool before serving.

